Finteza supports E-Commerce events to generate in-depth analytics for online stores. Configure sending of appropriate events and
- find out which items and brands are popular
- determine the real sales volume
- estimate unrealized profits when potential buyers quit their carts without completing a purchase for some reason
The system provides a lot of other valuable metrics to assist you in evaluating your business performance. For more details please read the article "Finteza introduces E-Commerce".
How it works #
The E-Commerce section operates similarly to events. Install a tracking code to your website and add the relevant functions to pages to send various events: data on purchase stages, on an item being added to a cart, and so on.
Unlike regular events, E-Commerce tracks provide a much larger set of parameters. These parameters are used for displaying the relevant data in special reports in the Finteza panel:

How to send E-Commerce events #
After connecting Finteza JavaScript Client, you can enable the sending of E-Commerce events. To do this, add the following JavaScript code to the website page:
fz("ecommerce", {
{EVENT_NAME} stands for a certain predefined event name, for example "View Item".
Next, add a JSON description of the event. The description is composed of predefined parameters:
- It starts with the cart parameters for cart related events.
- Further, an array of item descriptions is passed in the 'items' parameter.
The list of parameters should match the event type. For example, do not specify shipment parameters for item view events.
See separate sections for a list of supported events and their sending example, as well as for a list of all available item and cart parameters.
Below is the detailed description of how to fill in a track, using an example of a successful purchase completion, which is the main eCommerce event.
Track sending example for the Checkout Success event #
The Checkout Success event means successful purchase completion. The maximum available information can be passed in the event, from a transaction to shipment details.
The event description is passed as parameters. General purchase parameters such as transaction number, customer, and others are filled only in the cart section:
- cart_id – cart identifier.
- transaction_id – payment identifier.
- seller, buyer – seller's and buyer's name or identifier. These can be user logins on your site. These parameters are used for generating Top Buyers reports. Such reports are useful if products by many third-party sellers are featured on your sites.
- affiliation – the store or branch in which the transaction was performed.
- detail – here you can specify additional information about the purchase.
- checkout_option – payment method.
- checkout_step – purchase step number. For example, if a purchase on your site has three steps: viewing the cart, entering shipping details and paying, you can number them as 1, 2 and 3. Accordingly, value 3 is passed at a successful purchase stage.
Total payment parameters (total amount, discount and others) can be additionally specified in the cart section. Cart description is followed by the description of each item in the cart.
Please pay attention to filling specifics related to payment parameters: profit, value, price, transaction_fee, tax_value, discount_value, shipping_value.
- For the cart: the 'price' parameter is not filled. Other parameters are indicated as a total value of the corresponding parameters of cart items. The values are indicated in money.
- For the item: the 'price' parameter indicates the price per item, even if multiple units of the same item are purchased (quantity > 1). Other values are indicated taking into account the number of item units. For example, if the item price is 300 USD (price = 300), and the cart contains 5 units of the product (quantity = 5), then 1500 should be passed in the 'value' parameter.
fz('ecommerce', {
The following three events will be created in Finteza based on this track:
- The "Checkout Success" event for each item. The events will include transaction_id, affiliation, cart_id, checkout_step and checkout_option from the cart description.
- The "Checkout Success" event for the cart. If cart_id is not specified, the event will not be generated.