All tools for webmasters in a single interface

Real-time website monitoring and error tracking
No additional site load due to the distributed service architecture
Deep user analytics from 15 perspectives
By registering you agree to the Service Agreement terms

Application areas:

  • Article directories
  • Mass media
  • Online services
  • Forums & blogs
  • Arbitrage projects
  • Company sites
  • Aggregators
  • Media projects
  • Online stores

Finteza features an extensive set of real-time data monitoring webmaster tools: you can track errors, detect bot traffic, access real-time visitor statistics, configure re-targeting and work with advertisers. It offers integrations with 50 popular CMSs and SDK support.

Our real-time website monitoring software tracks the website traffic and detects errors, measuring the traffic quality and providing hints about the visitor origin. Select any traffic type with one click and analyze it from 15 different perspectives: geographical location, devices, conversions, and user agents, among others.

Track errors in real-time, such as 400, 403, 404, 500 and determine the reasons for the occurring issues and ultimately identify the audience segments for which the error occurs most often. With real-time statistics on errors at hand, the Finteza website monitoring tool for webmasters will help you respond to incidents much faster.

Finteza offers a set of useful tools for webmasters

The tracker code does not load the resource thanks to the distributed service architecture. No matter where your website is hosted, our real-time website monitoring tool will ensure the best script download speed and will not slow down your site.

Report segmentation based on several parameters enables an even deeper analysis of your website efficiency with effective error tracking and offers better website monitoring. For example, you can analyze the bounce rate from Android smartphone users living in the US and who were directed from an ad displayed on Facebook. Complex reports can be generated in just a couple of clicks.

The service does not create data samples and thus it provides 100% accurate statistics without extrapolation.

Finteza Panel
Manage advertising banners, landing pages, graphics and text blocks

Advertising engine

    Manage advertising banners, landing pages, graphics, and text blocks for better traffic monetization. Configure re-targeting to convince users in converting to your proposed offer and track events in real time.

    To optimize your project revenue, you can perform an exhaustive error-tracking and conversion analysis and identify where and how you lose leads. Our traffic monetization and advertising campaign management system visualizes the percentage of lost users by pages, by traffic sources, by first viewed pages, and by 13 other criteria, in the form of charts, tables, histograms, and maps. Use audience reports to obtain very accurate data with efficient visualization.

    Selling advertising on your site? Provide direct statistics access to advertisers with advanced website monitoring and generate performance reports.

    The Finteza real-time site monitoring tool for webmasters is the perfect software for beginners as well as for experienced webmasters, enabling them to monitor the website's health to track errors, work with advertisers, find growth points, and ultimately develop the entire project.

    Test the analytics and advertising engine for webmasters

    Real-time website monitoring and error tracking
    No additional site load due to the distributed service architecture
    Deep user analytics from 15 perspectives
    By registering you agree to the Service Agreement terms