Marketing campaigns

Bypass AdBlock and increase your impression share
Improve website and application conversion rates
Manage ads on third-party websites
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Finteza advertising and analytics engine provides webmasters with countless opportunities to monetize resources and generate leads, by offering them the necessary tools to create ads and manage general advertising activities. Launch banners, landing pages, and any graphical/text blocks via a single interface to increase traffic, revenue, and leads. Create powerful marketing campaigns based on the analysis of what works best for your audience. Finteza analytics works to assist you in generating the highest ROI.

Bypass ad blockers

Finteza analytics solves the ad blockers issue by allowing you to bypass Adblock, AdGuard, and similar applications to help acquire the best leads and to generate more revenue. All data between visitors and the service is proxied through your website and is not blocked by browsers. Hence, you can generate higher-quality leads and acquire more clicks and traffic by generating higher impression shares for your ad banners, which eventually leads to an increase in revenue.

Also, our advertising and analytics engine supports banners and other advertising materials with non-standard height and width, to allow blocking bypassing by banner size. The ad and analytics tool generates adaptive marketing images of all formats on its own to maximize your traffic, generate more leads and raise revenue. You only need to upload an illustration and add text.

Moreover, our campaign analytics engine is not blacklisted by providers and ad blockers. Such a complex approach improves the display of banners and other promotional publications by up to 50% and thus it maximizes clicks, traffic, CTR, and leads. Higher clicks increase your revenue and improve your ROI.

The service solves the ad blockers issue
Launch targeting based on geography, language, time of day, devices, browsers and other conditions to maximize your profit

Targeting and re-targeting

Create ads to attract a specific audience, generate higher traffic and more clicks, increase CTR, and improve revenue. Launch banner ads and promotional campaigns based on geography, language, time of day, devices, browsers, and other variables to maximize your clicks, traffic, leads, and ROI.

Finteza's advanced advertising analytics engine supports multi-channel attribution and allows the display of banners based on events performed in the application in an effort to generate more traffic, sales, and better ROI for higher revenue.

For example, Finteza helps you create ads for visitors who put a product in the cart within the application but did not proceed with a purchase. When such users visit your website from a mobile device or launch the application, you can show them a stimulating banner with a deep link to the cart web page. This will help you acquire more clicks for higher ROI.

Campaign analytics

Powerful analytics from Finteza allows you to track data by visitors in 10 reports which provide an accurate pen portrait of your audience to ensure efficient targeting for banner ads and marketing activities. Find out detailed information on impressions, clicks, and CTR. Use advanced analytics to compare advertisements, disable ineffective banners in a timely manner, add new materials, and track user reactions, in an effort to raise profit.

Powerful analytics from Finteza allows you to track data by visitors in 10 report

Label all materials using UTM tags while creating ads and mark the events to view the client's path to each source. Our powerful marketing analytics engine lets you compare conversions in the app and in the website, track the efficiency of launching marketing materials, and improve the sales funnel stages in an effort to increase the marketing budget return on investment (ROI).

Create an account in Finteza and access powerful advertising management tools to create ads that convert!

Increase your profit while bypassing ad blockers

Bypass AdBlock and increase your impression share
Improve website and application blocks CTR
Enable event re-marketing
By registering you agree to the Service Agreement terms