Conversion rate optimization and funnels for landing pages

In Finteza, you can track conversions, build sales funnels and improve lead generation. Discover a better way to manage your marketing analytics.



Optimize your landing page conversion rates before you start purchasing traffic. With Finteza, you can improve the efficiency of your advertising budget.

How to set up funnels to increase conversion rates?


Create a multi-action funnel to view all visitor behavior stages and to analyze related conversion rates. This will enable you to spot weak points and take appropriate measures to keep your leads.

For example, you may be losing customers in the registration form page. In this case you can simplify the form, or add additional registration methods using social network accounts or completely remove it. Use Finteza to detect such issues, take targeted measures and boost conversion rates.

5 reasons why conversions are best analyzed in Finteza

The system provides better funnels than other similar solutions

Finely detailed funnels


The system provides automatic breakdown for all important metrics in each funnel:

  • Traffic sources. What drives more conversions: direct, social, search or referral traffic?
  • Referrers. Conversions from domains and web pages containing links to your website.
  • UTM-maked traffic: conversions of each separate source, such as a banner ad and purchased traffic, among others.
  • Traffic quality. How are suspicious visits converted and are bots providing any conversions?
  • Devices, operating systems and user agents. What are the conversion rates of mobile and desktop users?
  • Languages and geographical location. How are visitors from different countries converted?
  • And much more

With such a detailed analysis, you can easily find patterns in action funnels, determine the best lead generation channels and avoid ineffective ones. Does your Adwords campaign generate higher conversion rates than an affiliate link? Find out using Finteza.

Auto funnels — the system can create funnels for you!


To enable automatic funnel creation, add unified prefixes to event names. For example, you may use the Registration prefix for actions related to the registration form filling.

In this case, the system will automatically create a funnel with the most popular action in the first position and the most rare one in the last position. For the registration procedure, the first event can reflect users who start filling out the form, while the last action can represent account activation.

The funnel is created automatically and thus no configuration is required.

A report to present to your supervisors


In the report mode, the funnel is displayed as a three-dimensional multi-colored object. This format can be inserted into marketing reports and presented to the company management.

The vertical layout enables the seamless funnel integration into various documents. Often, reports are printed in the portrait orientation, so the vertical funnel view is the most suitable presentation form.


Create reports for separate pages

Funnels can be build not only for events, but also for individual pages. Furthermore, the same funnel can reflect events and pages. For example, a funnel may begin with a landing page and continue with registration and purchase events.


Pages and events can be grouped within one stage

Multiple events and pages can be added within each step. Such complex funnels enable the most in-depth conversion analysis.

The quick way to set up conversion tracking

Your site statistics and user actions will be instantly reflected in the system. That is all you need to do to start analyzing conversions and creating funnels.

How much does it cost?
The system is absolutely free. Start using Finteza right now!

Finteza is the best conversion optimization and funnel building solution. Hundreds of companies from various industries all over the world have chosen the system. Join them now and boost your website and landing page conversion rates.

Let's improve your conversions

The system is absolutely free to connect and use

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