How to configure website analytics in Finteza?
منابع بازاریابی
To start analyzing website traffic and conversions, create an account in the system and add the Finteza code to your site. This can be easily done in just a few minutes. The Integration section features guides on system connection with sites based on the most popular CMS. Native Finteza plugins are available for WordPress, Drupal, Joomla! and other systems. This article describes a universal connection method, which can be used for integrating with any website based on any CMS.
- Log in to Finteza.
- The site which you specified during registration will be automatically added in the Sites section.
- Navigate to the Settings section. Copy the automatically generated HTML code and paste it inside the <head> tags of your site. Make sure to select the HTML option for your site. The Facebook IA option will be explained in the next article.
Now Finteza is connected to your site. As soon as the next user visits your site, appropriate information will be instantly reflected in the system.
If you want to add more sites or mobile applications, navigate to the Sites menu and click "New site":
Fill in the form fields. Please show extra care in the last field: here you can specify a comma separated list of your White Labels for which matching with the website visitors is required. Alternatively, you may leave this field blank. Click "Save and get tracking code" after filling in the form and insert the generated HTML code into your site's <head> tags.
Log in to Finteza and analyze your site audience in real time!